Just in time for the Forth of July. My grill died, again! I say this because I have had four grills in ten years. It was getting to the point of stupid and me being cheap. So I decided to bite the bullet and buy what I really wanted. A smoker and a grill, preferably not propane (I got horribly burned from a gas grill in the past), not charcoal as it takes to long for me to heat up and something that can fit on my small porch. So I got the best worlds, A Traeger, wood pellet smoker and grill all in one. I like the option of changing out the wood pellets to what ever flavor you want. I’m kinda a wussy when it comes to smoke, so I bought a few bags of the applewood pellets. Just enough flavor without being overpowering. Anyway, this thing cooks better than any grill that I have ever owned, hands down, period. If you are in the market for a new grill. Check out the Traeger. It will be well worth your investment. Plus, it just looks cute.. yes grills can look cute… ha.
Being excited as a kid in a candy store, I have been a smokin’ and grilling fool this week. While I was enjoying a “Mule” on my neighbors deck and soaking in the hot sun the other night, I was thinking about what to grill. Everyone was craving ribs so that was easy. Then I was thinking how awesome my cocktail was and why couldn’t I incorporate the ginger beer into a BBQ sauce? Heck, people use Coke in sauces, why not ginger beer. It’s like nectar. So dang good. It’s got huge flavor and a little ginger kick that is just right for the sauce and for braising the ribs in. So this is the recipe that I came up with! Kid tested and neighbors approve.. Give it a try! I’m making it again for the Forth of July party!
- [br][b]For the Dry Rub[/b][br]
- 1/4 cup kosher salt
- 3/4 cup brown sugar
- 1/4 cup sweet paprika
- 1/4 cup chili powder
- 1 tbs pepper
- 2 tsp ground ginger
- 2 tsp coriander
- 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
- 2 tsp five spice powder
- [br][b]For the BBQ sauce[/b][br]
- Olive oil
- 1/2 cup onions, chopped
- 3 cloves garlic, chopped
- 1 jalapeno pepper, chopped
- 2 cups ketchup
- 1/2 cup soy sauce
- 1/2 cup ginger beer
- 1/2 cup molasses
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
- 1/2 cup of the spice mixture
- Pork Ribs (How ever many you want to cook, this makes plenty of spice rub and sauce)
- Ginger beer
- heavy duty aluminum foil
- In a medium bowl, add the the ingredients for the spice rub and mix well to combine.
- In a large sauce pan, add some olive oil onions, garlic and jalapenos and saute for 5 minutes. Add the ketchup, soy, ginger beer, molasses, vinegar and spice mixture. Simmer on low for 30 minutes. With an immersion blender or regular blender (in small batches) blend until sauce becomes smooth. Set aside.
- On a large baking sheet, liberally apply the spice rub to both sides of the the ribs.
- If you are going to smoke the ribs first, place the ribs meaty side down and smoke for three hours.
- When the ribs are done smoking, transfer a cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil. Make sure you raise the edges. Pour in one cup of ginger beer and place one more sheet of foil over the ribs. Crimp the edges tightly so that the ribs can braise.
- Raise the temperature on the grill to 250 degrees and cook the ribs for an additional 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
- Remove from the grill and place the ribs back on the cookie sheet. Raise the temperature on the grill to high.
- Put the ribs back on the grill and baste liberally with the sauce. Cook until they look good for you. I grilled mine for 10 to 15 additional minutes.
- If you are not smoking the ribs. Place ribs in a large baking dish and pour in one bottle of ginger beer. Cover with foil and bake for 1 1/2- 2 hours in a 250 degree oven.
- Remove and grill as described above.

Cock and Bull Ginger beer. This stuff is like the holy grail of ginger beers. If you can find it, buy it. You can thank me later.

The vege’s are coming up nicely. So are the weeds! I love it when friends say, “I’ll help you weed your garden”! Especially a strong man who knows how to use a “shovel”! LOL,
Congrats on the Traeger! Funny story on those, I had to use one at Memphis in May in 2014 to make a big team dinner. They had an aftermarket controller on theirs that had some green and red switches. I had cooked the 18 pork tenderloins and since I was done, I turned the switches from green to red. Because red means stop, right?
So I’m sitting over there slicing up tenderloins and keep thinking that there was an awful lot of smoke since the grill should be cooling down. Turns out the red meant “full bore, wide open, call the fire department – high” setting and I had that thing at 500+ degrees and a real nice grease fire.
Sigh….user error.
Chris recently posted…BBQ Competition – Blooming BBQ & Bluegrass – Sevierville
That’s quite a story Chris! Funny now I bet! My Traeger has this digital thing. You can totally regulate the temperature! There is a button that says “on and off”! LOL! Maybe your experience made Traeger change their panel on the grills! 🙂
GET OUT! Can’t believe you have a Treager. Have fun with your new toy. That mule mug sure is photogenic and looks so fresh and delicious for all this heat we’re having. And the garden looks great! Love your idea for Ginger ribs. I’ll have to make some this weekend.
Lea Ann (Cooking on The Ranch) recently posted…Holly’s Crockpot Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches
I did Lea Ann! When are you and Bob coming over for dinner? It’s my turn to have you over! 🙂
I must say….. these look and sound delicious. I recently began learning to use a Weber Smokey Mountain. I’ve used a Weber grill for years and decided it was time to add some smoke. It works great. I was thinking that my next attempt on the WSM would involve ribs. Reading this was perfect timing.
I thought about the Weber also, but decided on the traeger! Im in love with it! Im making another batch of ribs as we speak! Give it at try and let me know what you think!
Those are some fine looking ribs Heather
Larry recently posted…Almost Heaven South & Mobile Photos
Thanks Larry! Pretty good for my first time smoking anything! I think I’m hooked!!!