Oh, you should see Denver right about now! It’s so hazy that it looks like a wicked hot and humid day in the South but it’s really all the smoke rolling in from a wildfire in Canada of all places! It’s so bad that I can’t even see across the street, I closed my windows and turned on my A/C even though it’s only 70 degrees outside! Ugh! I hope the Advil that I took kicks in quick and knocks out the headache caused by all the smoke in the air! So weird!
In my attempt to eat more red meat (Doctor’s orders) and now that I have my new grill, I have been on dry rub kick. We had dinner a few weeks back up at Willow Creek (great place to eat, BTW) in Evergreen, CO and I ate a strip steak with a coffee rub. It was delicious so I decided that I would figure out how to make my own. So here it goes and I like that it has a spicy kick to it! Perfect for a steak on the grill as it gets a little crispy on the outside and keeps everything moist on the inside. So good if I do say so myself!
I put together this sandwich with some of the leftovers from my tri-tip the other night. I love making something and then being able to eat it all week! I had my first, “lame” (too much rain this year), harvest from my garden this weekend so I thought that I would grill up some veges and make a steak sandwich for lunch (I was sta-ving)! With the addition of some Naan bread (my new favorite bread cause it’s great grilled) and a little mayo, I had a beautiful lunch! Dry rubs are so versatile that they can make even leftovers taste brilliant!
Sorry for the short posts as of late… It’s summer and I can’t decide where the time goes! Enjoy!
- 1/4 Cup ground espresso
- 3 tbs brown sugar
- 2 tsp salt
- 2 tsp pepper
- 1 tsp coriander
- 1 tsp adobo powder
- 1/2 tsp red chili flake
- 2 tbs chili powder
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- Combine all ingredients and mix well.
- Any extras can be stored in an air tight container.

My garden is so slow this year! Look at my tiny zucchini. Gonna add some phosphate to my garden, hopefully that will help cause this is lame!

Veges ready for the grill! A little olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder and a little chili powder!

My neighbors had me smoke up 5 rack of ribs for the neighborhood forth of July party! That was a big project but so worth it!

I also smoked a salmon for the party. It didn’t last long, in fact it was gone before I even showed up! Love that!
Appreciating the time and effort you put into your website and in depth information you offer. You’ve really covered up almost all the possible info that every food enthusiast should follow. Absolutely delightful coffee recipes! Yammi!! Worth sharing! Please do continue sharing updates! Thanks a lot!
Great! Great also looking and taste. I want try today.
Smith recently posted…Best Hybrid Grills Reviewed Details [Buyer’s Guide] Of 2020
I really like the combo of spices in that rub. Sounds delicious. And I love grilled veggies. Our Farmer’s market yesterday was still pretty lean on Colorado veggies. And still no melons.
Lea Ann (Cooking On The Ranch) recently posted…Yucatan Roasted Chicken Breast and Fresh Roasted Hatch Chile Sauce
I was wondering about the farmers market! I don’t think melons show up til August!
One my goodness…what a great looking sandwich. I’m green with envy as I had a container of yogurt for lunch. 🙂
Karen (Back Road Journal) recently posted…NH Colonial Farmhouse For Sale – Orchard Hill Farm
It was awesome! THe steak made it! 🙂