Grilled Limoncello Shrimp is a great party food or to cook up to snack on while you are grilling! Super flavorful. Trust me, it will be gone in no time. Double it!
Well I’m at it again.. cooking with booze and this week with one of my favorites. Limoncello. A few weeks ago, I went to my favorite pizza place in Denver, Racca’s Pizzeria Napolentana. They make these awesome chicken wings with limoncello which is my influence for this recipe. They use a ton of oregano in their recipe, which I’m not a big fan of so I substitute parsley. I think it gives it a milder, not too overpowering of a flavor that I prefer. Heck, you can certainly tell that there are fresh herbs with the rosemary! If you haven’t tried limoncello, you should. It’s an Italian liquor that has a beautiful sweet lemon flavor and guess what? It’s easy and fun to make at home. I have made it before on my site, so click on any of the links above and it will explain how to make it! I really like limoncello in the summer with sparkling water and I really like it in this grilled Limoncello Shrimp. I had a couple of dinner parties to go to this week and this was my contribution! I’ll probably even bring it to my first tennis league match Monday night. Heck, it’s so easy to put together, I might as well bring it to as many parties that I can! Why not, right?
In the past month or so, I have wanted to get involved with a new charity. I was thinking about running again for my board of directors for my Realtor association or get involved in something outside of what I do everyday. It’s weird when you “put” a thought out there, the right opportunity plops itself in your lap. Well, that’s what happened to me. I was contacted by an incredible charity, Cooking Matters. Cooking Matters is associated with the national organization, No Kid Hungry. The premise of Cooking Matters is to help educate families on how to shop for and cook healthy meals on a budget. Cooking matters is part of Share Our Strength’s, No Kid Hungry campaign which The Food Network supports. I’m really excited because they have asked me to help teach six week courses to families in my area. This is so up my ally, as I love to teach what I’m passionate about. I had no idea before I was introduced to this amazing organization that in 2015, there were 13,000 families in Colorado that participated in the program and 89% of course participants graduate from the program. What I find is most impressive is that 84% of course graduates have positive behavior change in how they shop and cook for their families. Please make sure that you click on the links above to learn more about these terrific organizations. I’m sure that you will find it quite enlightening and what I like most is that people get to learn! Both the instructors and the participants! I can’t wait and I’m sure that I will have a lot to say in the coming months!
Enjoy your week!
- 1 pound shrimp, (21-25 count) (shelled and de-veined)
- 6-8 oz prosciutto, sliced in half
- 1/4 cup fresh parsley, minced
- 1 tbs fresh rosemary, minced
- 1 tbs fresh thyme, minced
- 4-5 garlic cloves, minced
- 1/2 tsp red chili flake
- 3/4 tsp salt
- 1 tsp salt
- 3/4 cup limoncello
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- In a large zip lock bag, add the cleaned and prepared shrimp, parsley, rosemary, thyme, garlic, chili flake, salt, pepper, limoncello and olive oil. Seal the bag and shake up to incorporate well. Let marinate for one hour.
- Cut each prosciutto slice in half for easier wrapping.
- Heat up your grill to 375 degrees.
- Take one shrimp at a time (making sure to leave some of the marinade with all the herbs on the shrimp) and carefully wrap a slice of prosciutto around each shrimp. Repeat and set aside until ready to grill.
- Grill the shrimp for two minutes per side up to no more than 5 minutes.
- Serve hot or at room temperature.

Here is what my shrimp looked like while I wrapping them up! See all the herbs? You want them in there!

Wow! The kids are growing up so fast! The squash plants in the back even have flower buds! Still two weeks away from planting though!
Talk about something flavorful, your shrimp must disappear quickly.
Karen (Back Road Journal) recently posted…Orecchiette With Broccoli Rabe and Sausage
It did Karen! Gone in 30 seconds! LOL!