Hello, Y’all! Well, it happened in Denver this past weekend. We got a proper snow storm. Yep, snow that accumulated more than an inch. We actually got a solid 8 inches at my house. Super exciting considering how dry it’s been. I love it, my dog Tommy, not so much… This weeks craving was Pad Thai.
Chicken Cordon Bleu Pot Pie
[social_warfare] Happy New Year everyone. Back to the grind of everyday life. I have been spending the past week working on the mundane backend stuff to make my website work better. I hope you notice a difference, I have noticed an improvement on my end, so I hope you do too! Truth be told, I’m obsessed with
Easy French Cassoulet
As I sit here at my desk on the last day of 2018, the snow is gently falling and Van Morrison is singing to me. It’s a lovely way to reflect on how truly lucky I am. 2018 was a year filled with adventure, travel, the love of family and friends, new experiences, the beauty of
Chipotle Honey Glazed Turkey
Well, another few weeks off to explore the USA and enjoy some (but not completely) time away from social media and everything that goes with it! I’ll tell ya, having time away from the computer and checking out life is good for the soul. I needed that trip and going to places where no service
French Chicken Onion Soup
Truth be known, to me, French Onion Soup should be a food group! A few years ago, I got tired of going out to a restaurant to get it and quite honestly, sometimes it would come out incredibly salty. So I started making it at home instead. Now I can make it and eat it
Homemade Chicken Stock
I started making my own chicken stock when I looked at the ingredient list on a box of chicken stock. Not only did I almost fall over reading how much salt was included per serving but I was flabbergasted to learn that flour is added to the mix. Chicken stock should be gluten-free, however, the store-bought varieties are
Savory Balsamic Blueberry Sauce
Truth be known, one of my favorite thing to eat are berries. All kinds of berries. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and the lovely blueberries. Blueberries, however, are my favorite. They are packed with all kinds of nutrients with minimal calories, they provide all kinds of health benefits which qualifies them as a superfood. I eat blueberries a few
Cilantro Lime Roasted Chicken
Have you ever had one of those mornings? You know the ones when your computer doesn’t want to cooperate with you. I was having one of those mornings today and uploading my first picture to WordPress. So after about two hours of messing around with it, I gave up and used the picture that it wants
Chicken Parmesan Sandwiches
Happy Easter everyone! Well, it’s for sure springtime in Colorado! I love it! We got a bunch of snow and rain pretty much every evening this week followed by warm sunny days! I am literally watching leaves come out and the grass turning green by the minute! It’s so cool to experience and truly makes
Thai Chicken Udon Noodle Soup
I hope everyone had a great Christmas with family and friends! I spent last weekend in New Jersey and New York City for a fun-filled weekend with my parents and brother’s family! We had a great time together, eating deliciously prepared food, watching holiday movies, playing hysterical games, a family tennis match (we are all way too